Actor Sonu Sood came to the rescue of former India cricketer Suresh Raina. Raina, who took to Twitter, had urged UP CM Yogi Adityanath to help his 65-year-old Covid-19 positive aunt by giving leads for an oxygen cylinder.
“Urgent requirement of an oxygen cylinder in Meerut for my aunt. Age – 65 Hospitalised with Sever lung infection. Covid+ SPO2 without support 70 SPO2 with support 91 Kindly help with any leads.@myogiadityanath,” Suresh Raina had tweeted.
Taking note of the CSK star’s urgent requirement, Sonu replied saying, “Oxygen cylinder reaching in 10 mins bhai.”
Sonu also asked Raina to send further details to make his response time quicker.
“Sonu Paji thank you so much for all the help. Big big help! Stay blessed,” replied Raina.
Recently, Raina was seen playing for Chennai Super Kings (CSK) in the now-postponed IPL 2021.