Amitabh Bachchan, along with several prominent personalities such as Ben Affleck, Chrissy Teigen, Jimmy Kimmel, Sean Penn, David Letterman, was a part of Vax Live: The Concert to Reunite the World, which went live on Saturday. The Global Citizen fundraising concert advocating the importance of vaccine equity has pulled in 302 million dollars, exceeding the goal for the organisation’s campaign, AP reported.
Apart from Big B, the show, which was hosted by Selena Gomez, was attended by several thousand fully-vaccinated concertgoers who cheered on performances by Eddie Vedder, Foo Fighters, J Balvin, H.E.R. and Lopez, who enjoyed a duet with her mom. The concert was shot earlier this month but aired on Saturday evening.
Amitabh Bachchan, who said he was “privileged to be a part of the concert and the fight for India”, posted a video in which he urged global citizens to rise and help India in fighting the deadly second wave of Covid-19.