The Border Security Force (BSF) today said a suspected Pakistani drone was seen hovering near the International Border (IB) in Kanachak sector of J&K, which prompted its personnel to conduct a search operation to ascertain if the aerial device had dropped anything. Nothing suspicious was found.
Incidentally, it occurs two days after a Pakistani drone dropped an AK-47 rifle, a pistol and some ammunition along the IB in the Samba district. The drone was seen in Kanachak sector here late on Saturday night. Some residents saw a streak of yellow light in the sky for quite some time before it vanished in the darkness, officials said.
A search, which began at 5.30 am on Sunday, was carried out by joint teams of the Army, the BSF and the police in a vast area between Panch Talli and Laliyal, about 1,500 metres from the IB.
Security forces along the border have been asked to be on high alert to scuttle any attempt by Pakistan to push in terrorists, weapons or narcotics, a senior official said. On June 20 last year, the BSF had shot down a Pakistani hexacopter drone with a payload of 5.5 kg in Kathua district, leading to the recovery of sophisticated arms. — TNS